Earn Pi Tokens Today!

Tuvshinjargal Rolomjav
5 min readFeb 26, 2021



What is the Pi Network?

Pi Network is an app available on Android and iOS which allows users to collect Pi tokens just for pushing a button daily and in doing so, contributing to the security of the Pi network. If you want to increase the rate of earning, you must refer new users and/or add people to your security circle.

The Pi Network works on the principle of using social circles and reputation to verify integrity. So how does this work? You invite your friends and family to the app. They join and invite their friends and family.

What is the Pi token?

The Pi token has 0 value and cannot be withdrawn from the app. In phase 3 of the project, Pi will transition to a fully decentralized blockchain and users’ balances are being recorded with a guarantee of being honored when Pi transitions to the main net.


First, to download Pi Network, use this link and you’ll automatically join the pituvshinjargal earning team. Say hi in the chat! MinePi.com/pituvshinjargal

The sign-up process is relatively simple and they will set you up in minutes. They greet you with the home screen and a “human verification” button. You need to press this button once a day to verify that you are human. It uses Google’s Re-captcha v3 among other algorithms as described in the FAQ to verify identity.

The home screen of the app shows us our current earned total at the top. With the right 3 buttons from top to bottom, we have access to the chat, the number of active miners/total referrals and our current “mining” speed per hour.

Referrals are key to getting the highest Pi per hour.

This page is where you really see what the app is focused on, referrals. The more you have, the higher your mining rate and the more Crypto you get. Since the function of the app is reliant upon inviting all of your friends into your social circle, it makes sense to provide a big incentive for doing this.

Earning Statistics

This next screen tells us about all of our earning statistics. Everyone that joins now is a Pioneer.

To become a contributor, you need to add 3–5 people who you trust into your security circle. This comes back to tightening social circles. Where referrals work on a wider scale, we place the people we trust in the contributor circle. Each person added to the roster increases your Pi per hour.

The ambassador section lets you know how many people you have referred to Pi and how many people are active miners. If your referrals don’t push the mine button daily, then you stop getting the bonus from them. You can “ping” them once every 24 hours, which sends a notification to them to continue. However, I couldn’t help but feel rude by doing so.

The Halvening

You may have noticed from the pictures above that the amount of Pi I’m getting per hour has gone down. Well, that’s because of the base mining rate of Pi halves for every 10x increase in members. The event is known as “the halvening”. Since I started this has happened twice, at 100,000 and at 1,000,000.

How can the Pi Network app improve?

I fear the potential for the contributor circles to be undermined by people inviting random users to get the most Pi per hour. I have already seen one person in chat asking for numbers of strangers to add to it. If people do this on a larger scale, then it questions how well the token can function.

I would love to see social feedback, maybe even brief questions occasionally about people in your closer ambassador circle. “Would you trust this person to pay back $50 they owe?”, “Would you lend them money if they asked for it?” and “Do you know this person in actual life?” etc. Even a star rating out of 5 would be good. I suppose many people would see it as unnecessarily prying into personal information, however, some form of social rating system would go towards helping the efficiency of the verification process. I suspect the Pi team are already one step ahead and have already integrated this into the Crypto through algorithms.


I think when there is a number just going up on the screen it’s hard to rationalize it as potential money. I think that’s where many people’s skepticism arises. While I can visualize them being worth under a dollar each, one guy in chat seemed convinced by the end of the year, each would be worth $1050 (give or take!). I’m not one to make and speculate on financial forecasts, but, hey. I’ll join the hype train and start deciding on which Aston Martin I’m going to buy for Christmas.

So, is the Pi Network app any different from the other Crypto apps that promise so much? Well, the jury is still out on that one. I’d like to believe otherwise, but I remain skeptical. I believe this app has far more potential than most. As with all things, time will tell and with any luck, the Pi team will steer the ship clear. I wish them all the best.

If you would like to give Pi Network a go then visit

